Residents Association Minutes – 10th July 2018
Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 10th July 2018 at 7.30pm in the Massey Ferguson Social Club
Present: Phil Richardson, Gary Ridley, Julia Lepoideven, Peter Male, Roz Fair, Tim Hammond, Stuart MacNeil.
Apologies: Graham Harper, Liz Hurley, Peter Male. Sandy, Chris and Caroline McKinnon, Mark Devan, Marek Kurowski, Nick Johnson, Sam Wickins, Simon Holland, Ed Davis.
Minutes of the last meeting were approved.
Massey Ferguson Cricket Club Pavilion Update
Phil reported that the cricket club now finally have access to the pavilion and will prompt Paul Proctor/ John Askew to arrange an open day.
Phil requested prizes and volunteers for the raffle and tombola, also for set up and set down. Stuart Macneil to put a message on Bannerchat. Tim Hammond to speak to Abdul at the curry house about a prize donation.
BRA Update
It was a successful litter pick the previous Saturday with around 14 in attendance and several sacks of rubbish collected by the council.
Peter Male proposed coordinating a petition to urge the council to adopt Bannerbrook Park sooner. Peter to create wording for petition and to forward to Stuart and Phil.
We discussed the empty space on Bannerbrook and agreed that we could not make a plan to propose anything to Persimmon without some research into community needs. Peter Male offered to meet with us and Persimmon at the planning stage to raise concerns including parking issues.
Phil updated BRA that he was moving off the estate in August but was willing to continue as chair as he will still be working and invested in the area and there were no concerns raised about this arrangement.
Police Update
The Police are piloting a “Street Watch” volunteer-led service however we felt that it would not necessarily enhance security on the estate more than Bannerwatch already does.
Bannerwatch Update
Currently over 220 members. Only one case of vandalism reported in the last few weeks.
Planning Update
No updates
BAG Update
No updates
We discussed the cars parking on grass verges on Astoria. UPDATE: Phil chatted to Nick Johnson who will put a message out in the next newsletter. We also agreed that the sooner the council adopted the estate the sooner parking restriction would be able to be put in place.
Next Meeting
11th September 2018, 7.30pm at Massey Ferguson Social Club