Resident Association Minutes – 15th May 2018

Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 15th May 2018 at 7.30pm in the Massey Ferguson Social Club

Present:   Phil Richardson (Chair), Sam Wickins (Secretary), Stuart MacNeil, Sandy, Simon P Holland, John (Penny Farthing), Tim, Nick Johnson, Laura Moten, Peter Male, Caroline Mackinnon, Julia Lepoidevin, Ed Davis

Apologies: Liz Hurley, Debbie Simms, Gary Ridley, Jennie Bourke, Mark Deven, Alvin Russell, Marek Kurowski, Graham Harper

Minutes of the last meeting were approved.

Minutes of meeting Actions

Date chosen at meeting was the 11th August 2018. John/Jennie to enquire if Alex Harry Can play at the event, the date may change due to his commitments.

The feedback from last year was more help needed running up the event, advertising and also getting forms agreed with the council and also help needed on the day.


Eastern green are having an event – date to be confirmed.



Phil to make contact with Sunrise to see if they can help with the infrastructure for this year and to also agree payment for last year.


Meeting was agreed for the 21st May for volunteers to discuss Bannerfest at 8pm @ Penny Farthing




BRA update

Vice Chair agreed as Stuart MacNeill


Phil to chase for next meeting with Mark

Police Update

No meeting till next month, a lot of sighting of a blue van on the estate and cars parked with passengers inside on Bannerchat forum.

Bannerwatch Update

215 members on the site.

News of ADT cold callers on the estate, complaints to the company in regards to inappropriate times and frequency of door visit in a short period of time.

Also information about being aware of time/location being embedded into pictures when putting on selling sites – to be aware of this.

Planning/ Councillors Update

Questions got asked about the land behind the shops/opposite the flats and what was happening with the planning decision.


It was agreed that once planning was put into the planning dept that the residents got together and put a plan of what the community needed on that land, as the school and doctors surgery was not happening due to persimmons issues.


Cllrs to inform the residents meeting when planning is put back into the council.



Adoption meeting to be held between with Residents char/Vice chair, Cllrs and planning dept. – Date to be confirmed

BAG Update

The grass was cut, maintenance needed on verges and grass areas.

Cricket Club/pavilion

Maintenance works have been undertaken at the pavilion/cricket club – which raised again what is happening.



Cllrs are to take the question “was the Pavilion part of Planning Consent between Persimmon and the council” to the planning dept – feedback at Julys meeting


Phil to inform the owner of the cricket club that questions are being raised at Council level


Update from Nick – from the end of Astoria drive to Baychester (shops way) they will be getting Fibre within this tax year. From Baychester, Astoria road towards Broad lane end – fibre won’t be installed until next Financial year.


All members of the Bannerchat email list have received a security email informing them of changes to security and how it is handled.


Deadline of this email security form is the 26th May, if not agreeing to this, then they will be deleted off the system.


Road adoption – Persimmon still have ownership of all roads except Summerville, Steve Kelo is actively looking at the council to take ownership of all roads.

 Litter pick – Tile Hill residents are looking to carry out a litter pick June/July – Bannerbrook to get involved within the area behind the shops.

Housing issue with the flats – all residents ar4e to be moved out, the council are working with a few homeowners who are having trouble with finding other housing.

Council are looking to adopt estate – Persimmon stalling.






Volunteers needed once date has been organised. Penny Farthing to supply a drink for the helpers or see if the Spa wants to help out like last year – Cllr John???? To let us know date.






Next Meeting

10th July @ 7.30pm @ in the Massey Ferguson Social Club



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