Broad Lane/Banner Lane Junction/Culvert
By now you should have received a letter from Coventry City Council, with regard to the Broad Lane/Banner Lane Improvements.
The current proposals for the above junction include the following:
- Relocation of the bus terminus to a new Layby on Broad Lane at the location of the existing bus stop just east of the junction.
- Consideration is being given to installing a zebra crossing to the west of the new junction to improve pedestrian safety when crossing Broad Lane.
- Surface water flooding will be addressed by raising the carriageway and the kerb heights, with integral drainage around the junction.
- Flood water will be collected in an open water storage with the capacity to hold 14,000m3 of water which is the equivalent to a 1 in 70 year event. The culvert, running beneath Broad Lane, will not be upgraded, although the grill around its entrance will be improved.
Work will shortly begin in November 2016 on the new lay by to move the bus stop and terminus. The remaining work will be split into 3 phases to maintain traffic movements whilst work is completed.