Fibre Broadband – Update
We have spoken to the CSW Broadband team earlier today and outlined that a letter is coming their way. The letter does contain the results of the survey which will be shared with you all at a later stage. It is being reviewed and will be sent to the CSW Broadband Team on Monday.
However, the CSW Broadband Team have asked if we could all fill in the Residents Survey on the CSW Broadband website whether you filled in our survey or not. We appreciate you have all filled in our survey but this is for their records. Interestingly some of the questions are almost identical to ours. The deadline for this is Wed 30th November 2016, which is the end of the Consultation Period for Contract 3.
We have also highlighted that a number of properties are not included in their postcode dataset. The letter will mention the missing roads. We are told they have recently found some in the Nuneaton area today that were not on their original list, so we are not alone in that regard.
This survey link is here. The more of us that fill this survey in, the more chance we have of getting a fibre broadband service.