Bannerbrook Residents Association

Halloween Police Message


A message from the Police from WMNow. If you have not registered before, please see this article.


If you’ve been in any shop or supermarket over the last month, you will know from the aisles of sweets, creepy decorations and children’s wizard/witch costumes that Halloween is approaching. 

For those of you who don’t like Halloween, read on for some advice on how to politely deter trick-or-treaters, and for those of you who do there’s some top tips to share with the kids on how to keep safe when trick-or-treating. 

No trick-or-treaters

If you don’t want people to knock on your door this Halloween, download and print this card to display in your window. 

If you have elderly or vulnerable relatives or neighbours, please consider printing a card for them to display, as unexpected knocks to the door may frighten or worry them. 

Top tips for safe trick-or-treating 

Parents and children should follow these simple rules to make sure they have a safe and considerate Halloween:

Dealing with anti-social behaviour 

We sometimes see a rise in anti-social behaviour in the days between Halloween on 31 October and Bonfire Night on 5 November. If you are worried about anti-social behaviour please follow the advice below. 

Information we receive from the community helps us identify common issues, hotspot locations, repeat offenders and patterns of behaviour

We also work closely with partner agencies, such as local councils, housing providers and schools, to tackle issues jointly, giving us greater powers to improve people’s lives.